AEGIX AIM: Next-Gen Safety Solutions

Your role determines your actions in every incident

District  Administrator
◉ Provide the right tools for schools to be prepared as best as possible for any type of incident.
◉ District level safety committee with a representative from every school.
◉ Create a unified response across the district, saves lives, time and money.
◉ Encourage monthly drills focusing on various types of incidents.
◉ Develop a sound relationship with local first responders.
School Administrator
◉ Relay accurate and timely information to give teachers the best opportunity to make correct
◉ decisions to stay safe.
◉ Critical communications needs to occur with the district, other teachers, first responders, students and parents
◉ Coordination of logistics
◉ Liaison with First Responders
◉ Conduct monthly drills
School Teacher
◉ Protect yourself, protect your students.
◉ Observe, orient, decide and Act.
◉ Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and protocols.
◉ Know how to receive communications and send communications.
◉ See something out of place, not normal; report.
School Resource Offier
◉ Direct response in the least amount of time to the right location.
◉ Training of personnel.
◉ Intimate knowledge of Emergency Plan and Communications Plan.
◉ Aware of vulnerabilities and ways to mitigate.
◉ Decisive action with limited resources and support.
◉ Follow guidance from your teacher and resource officers.
◉ Report threats from other students or anything that looks dangerous or suspicious.
◉ Communicate with parents and/or school personnel of concerns to well being or safety.
◉ Get involved with school extracurricular activities.
◉ Follow guidance from school or district administrators as to not create a more unsafe situation.
◉ Be aware of your children, and what they are involved with.
◉ Secure weapons and firearms at home.
◉ Be proactive in your school’s safety.
◉ Get involved with your child’s school



Early Prevention, Training, Emergency Plans


Family preparedness


Notification of Key Leaders, Police, Nearby Schools


Staff Response


First Responders Response




Secondary Responders


Resolution/Post Incident Measures


Assessment/Lessons Learned

Redundant Communications Plan
  1. First Option
  2. Second Option
  3. Third Option
Emergency Plan
  1. ​Simple
  2. Identifies key actions for each party
  3. Principle driven
  4. Easy to access
  5. Addresses incident and emergencies relevant to your specific school

Best Practices and Lessons Learned from recent active shooter incidents


Students will have apps on their phones that allow them to listen to police scanners and can hear what is going on.


Have a standard response procedure and stick to it, don't modify last minute, it will cause confusion.


Law enforcement needs a way to know all exits and entrances.


What about restrooms for students? Sitting in a lock down for hours.


Reunification site(s) needs to be established and cleared of any secondary shooter first.


If the school has cameras, make sure they can be accessed remotely.


A two-way communication system with teachers throughout the incident would cause less confusion and speed up response time.


Internal communication is of extreme importance in order to relay accurate information externally.


Crash bars are hard to pull and keep closed, recommend putting handles on them.


Blinds or some kind of film on exterior windows


Have a plan in place for substitute teachers, maybe an emergency packet in each classroom that talks through steps to take.


Have updated floor plans that show each room in detail for first responders (big and legible).


Bottom line, prevention is key. Teachers build comfortable relationships with students so they can trust them and share information. “Anonymous tip” sites are available, but are rarely used.